The Citizen

On Why Initiatives Matter

Tue, Apr 5 2011 — Source: The Citizen

One of the checks Mis­souri vot­ers have on the power of state politi­cians is in jeop­ardy: Sen. Jolie Jus­tus (D–Kansas City) is tak­ing aim at the initiative-petition process, which allows Mis­souri­ans to band together to put laws and con­sti­tu­tional amend­ments on the statewide ballot. This is incred­i­bly impor­tant, because some pol­icy changes that would greatly ben­e­fit Mis­souri can be so polit­i­cally unvi­able that politi­cians won’t pro­pose them. Peti­tions cir­cu­lat­ing this year would limit emi­nent domain and impose term lim­its on top state officials.

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Both the town and school district warrant articles seeking the adoption of RSA 40:13, the Official Ballot Act, failed to receive support from voters during Tuesday’s election. By a vote of 456-696, the warrant article seeking to change to official ballot voting, commonly referred to as SB2, was defeated for the town.

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The city of Auburn wants to increase the amount of money it can spend and borrow on green energy projects. But the citizens have to approve the change before it goes on the books. City officials are looking to get a public referendum on the November ballot that, if passed, would raise a spending cap currently in place for all public utility projects. The cap has limited spending on energy projects to $2.5 million each for more than a decade.

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