STL Today

Promoters of a ban on smoking in indoor public places have enough signatures on petitions to start the initiative process that could lead to a vote on the proposal. The St. Louis County Election Board announced Tuesday that the petitions had 1,089 valid signatures, 54 more than the number the city charter requires to start the process.

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A group that wants the city to ban smoking in indoor public places today gave officials petitions that would start an initiative process that could put the proposal on the ballot. The petitions contain 1,258 signatures, said Mary Murphy-Overmann, president of Healthy Air For Kirkwood, sponsor of the initiative. Anti-smoking supporters need 1,036 signatures to put to start the initiative process. City Clerk Betty Montano said she received the petitions at noon. They will go this afternoon the St. Louis County Election Board for a check of the validity of signatures, she said.