Smoking brought dozens of people to a public forum on Tuesday night.  At issue is whether smoking should be banned in public places — including restaurants, bars and businesses — throughout the Queen City. Voters will decide the ballot initiative on April 5.  Before they cast their ballots, both sides presented their arguments.

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Mo. — Absentee voters are already weighing in on ballot issues that will be decided at the polls across the state on Aug. 3. It’s possible that some absentee votes on a statewide issue won’t be counted. Printed ballots have a polarizing question — should Missouri deny the federal government authority to penalize citizens for refusing to buy private health insurance, which is what the Federal Healthcare Reform Act aims to do. But, since federal law trumps state law, experts say the initiative by Lt. Gov.

Three petition drives met the deadline to turn in signatures for spots on the statewide ballot in November. One of the proposals deals with stronger regulations for puppy mills. Supporters and opponents of the petition agree large puppy mills are problem and harming animals is never acceptable. However, it’s how to approach the problem where the two sides butt heads. If there is one thing most people can agree on, it’s that animal abuse is wrong.

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