American Chronicle

Congressman Todd Tiahrt (R-Goddard) announced his endorsement of the Second Amendment ballot initiative slated to appear on the November ballot. The Kansas Legislature overwhelming passed the initiative last session to cement the right of the individual to bear arms in the Kansas Constitution. The Kansas Constitution currently states, “The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security” which was interpreted in a 1905 Supreme Court decision to mean collectively, not individually.

Borough voters will be asked to decide Tuesday if they want lower property taxes bad enough to pay a tax every time they buy something. The tax measure combines a borough-wide sales tax with a cap on how high the Assembly can set its property tax rate. The measure includes a 3-percent sales tax on up to $1,000 — so a shopper would pay $30 on a $1,000 computer. But that rate applies only if they bought it outside the city limits of Wasilla, Palmer or Houston.

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